
and now the fun begins

Our trip to the Midwest was actually pretty nice -- we caught up on sleep, and I got to see a couple of old friends. Since my gf was with me, dealing with my mother was much, much easier. She loves a new audience for her stories. Her internet connection was down all weekend, which was frustrating but in another way was probably good, too, to have an enforced break from everything.

The dogs seem to have done pretty well at the new fancy place. Rescue Remedy is my new favorite thing. I had read up a little bit on flower essences a long time ago, but had never tried them (for us or the dogs) before. But watching the immediately calming effects of it on our youngest dog (and on us -- it disperses into the air and calms everyone down) has me really a convert. So once the move is done, I'm going to learn more about the whole Bach system. Meanwhile, I'm getting a spray bottle to make a calming mixture that can be sprayed into the air -- we're all going to need it over the next few days.

Today we went and got boxes. Friday we have the moving truck. It's a very short distance (maybe a mile) so we can make supplemental trips in our cars before and after Truck day. And somehow it will all get done. Luckily we'll have the three-day weekend to unpack and get settled, since the summer session begins Tuesday.

So blogging will undoubtedly be kind of light for the next few days, though I am sure I will need a few breaks from packing.