
the last move I want to do for a while

My new office at the U rocks. It's huge, and I have natural light. It actually could be a nice space in which to work. Of course, it comes with major administrative duties, so there is a price I'm paying. But for now I'm thinking optimistically.

My predecessor in this post, Dr Frazzle, is someone who means well, but often doesn't know how to go about getting things accomplished. Plus, she's organizationally challenged, reduced to tears by the thought of having to create a spreadsheet, and never able to distribute memos or other materials without some kind of problem. So simply by being reasonably organized, I can do a better job than she did.

Of course, she wasn't entirely packed up for the move this morning, so I had to help her finish up. As we were doing this, I said something about having cleared out three boxes worth of papers for recycling yesterday. She said "I'm so worried about recycling in the department. Sometimes I find contaminants in the recycling container. We need to have signs. We need to educate people. I'm so worried about the recycling that I can't clean out my office because I worry about all the paper." O.M.G. I mean, I'm all for better signs over the recycling bin, and increasing awareness about recycling (although I actually think we're doing OK). But to use that as your reason for not cleaning out your files?

I'm feeling better and better the more stuff I can get rid of, in my office here at work, and in our new house. I realized last night that during the past six weeks I have now handled every single item that I own. Every book, every object, every piece of paper. Moving offices at work thus turned out to be a bit more involved psychologically or emotionally for me than I'd expected. Not because I'm especially attached to my old office. But because the last time I moved every single thing I own was when I moved across country to take this job. When I moved into my old office, I was a different person than who I am now. It's good to be aware of all the changes.

It wasn't planned, to do all this moving at the same time. But I think it's good, it seems to be loosening up something. A kind of life tune-up from the Universe. A chance to re-evaluate the material things in my life and free up some energy by clearing them out.