
25 days!

Finally, at about 5:48 this evening, I put this fall semester to bed. My grades were submitted a few days ago, but there were administrative reports to complete, letters of recommendation to mail, and various other odds and ends to deal with. So now I have 25 days stretching ahead of me. Realistically, that's more like 19 before I'll have to go in and put on the administrator's hat again. But 25 before the semester begins in earnest.

This was supposed to be a "light" term for me, but it didn't feel that way. I have nothing to complain about -- and I'm not complaining -- but I do feel like the end of term requires some reflection, as does the end of the year. Reflection and planning are major goals for these next couple of weeks -- for all areas of my life, not just the professional. I really like new beginnings, new years, new semesters -- the chance to improve things, improve myself, become somehow smarter, stronger, better, or happier -- this is nearly always appealing to me. Which is strange, since I'm really not much of an optimist. But give me a pen and a piece of paper and 30 minutes
and I'll happily redesign my filing system, or sketch out the next year's goals, or plan how we should redo the living room. And for a while I'll feel a burst of energy and possibility that must be kind of like what optimists feel -- kind of like a triple shot latte, come to think of it. (As an INTJ, of course, I'm much better at the planning than at the implementing -- that's where my depression and cynicism start to kick in and get the better of me.)

So, since I've been on winter break for about 5 hours, I'm still feeling full of possibility about what I might be able to accomplish or enjoy in these next couple of weeks. Unscheduled, unplanned, mellow time with GF, Speedy, The Boss, and Old Girl is high on my list, as is yoga and the gym. Some sorting, purging, and cleaning of the house. Some organizing, stock-taking, planning of work related materials as well -- a purge of my bookshelves and files is long overdue. I'd like to do some crafty stuff as well, which is an itch I haven't scratched in a long time. I've got some library books to read for fun, and some to read for work. A long list of movies to watch. Some new recipes to try. Etc, etc. I've got far more that I'd like to do than will ever actually fit into the time. But it's a lot of time, and I want to get the most from it.