via Lisa I saw Jennifer Crusie's picture of her workspace, which was mildly cheering. Though if you're an incredibly popular bestselling novelist it really doesn't matter if your office is a mess, now does it?
But it inspired me to my own bit of public humiliation. This is my study right now:

which includes the horrifying mess that is the desk:

and large amounts of paper crap that can probably be gotten rid of but all needs sorting through:

Tasks for today:
deposit check at bankanswer work emailspay billsclear the work surfaces in the study: books to shelves,papers in crate for temporary holding, random items where they belongsweep the floor- rearrange the furniture (one of the many things I don't like about my workspace)
- go through stack of mail and shred/file/recycle as appropriate
20 minutes of sorting and filing of the work surface paperstake dogs to parkyoga class!