Plans/Goals/Wishes for Monday:
- I will wake up feeling refreshed and focused.
- I will work on my article.
- I will enjoy the sense of time expanding before me for the next few days rather than feeling anxious about the time that has already slipped away
It seems crazy to have time anxiety at the beginning of a break. But I do. I have a lot I want to accomplish over the next week. I had to spend Friday at the office, and I should go in tomorrow or Tuesday as well to make arrangements for two upcoming events. Maybe I'll put that off until Tues, and make sure I focus on my own work tomorrow. The weekend was good, but Saturday was all about yoga (there was a special workhop I attended plus my regular class), Saturday night we were out with a friend, and today I cleaned up the house and talked on the phone. Erf.
Things I'm feeling grateful for: my partner, our dogs, my friends. Being able to breathe, move, hear, see, and talk with ease. Having a life of relative comfort.
It doesn't take much to be able to step back and realize how small my issues really are. There's no real blood or suffering involved, for me or others.